I love to Read Month
Here are some fun pictures from our special events in February.
Mrs. Carlson in the "grass" skirt our class won in music as part of a contest.
Nic on "Flip Flop" day.
Kylie in her flip flops.
Cool kids on Sunglasses Day.
Beach towels and reading.
Friends Forever.
Popcorn Party!
Maren brought her pet rats for sharing!
Riding the bus to Mason City to see a play!

Eating lunch in the college cafeteria.

Making our Witches Brew on October 31st.
Wanda the witch visited our classroom.
Amie added skeleton bones to the brew.
Jenna and Kylie put in rocks and stones.
Jaliyah tried to sneak some brew before it was done.

These boys think the witches brew is looking tasty.
Wanda watches Kyler add more gross ingredients.
Here Nate addes to the recipe.
Wanda was a very wicked witch.
Jace and Benny add the finishing touch.

Here are some fun pictures from our special events in February.
Mrs. Carlson in the "grass" skirt our class won in music as part of a contest.
Nic on "Flip Flop" day.
Kylie in her flip flops.
Cool kids on Sunglasses Day.
Beach towels and reading.
Friends Forever.
Popcorn Party!
Maren brought her pet rats for sharing!
Riding the bus to Mason City to see a play!
Eating lunch in the college cafeteria.
Making our Witches Brew on October 31st.
Wanda the witch visited our classroom.
Amie added skeleton bones to the brew.
Jenna and Kylie put in rocks and stones.
Jaliyah tried to sneak some brew before it was done.
Maren dumped in the monster teeth.
Zoe pours in some little ghost toes.These boys think the witches brew is looking tasty.
Wanda watches Kyler add more gross ingredients.
Here Nate addes to the recipe.
Wanda was a very wicked witch.
Jace and Benny add the finishing touch.
On October 6th we had two Llamas (Rascal and Percy) come visit Hawthorne to help us celebrate "Read for the Record" day. The goal was to get everyone at HW to read teh book Llama, Llama Read Pajama. That day, we also got to wear our pajama's to school.
Everyone in 2nd grade got to pet the llamas.
Here is Amie with Rascal.
Look at this close up!
Quincy and Kylie pet our new friend.
Everyone enjoyed the special event!
Here you have Job, Riley, and Zoe petting our friend.
Look at Sammy, Jenna, and Maren!
2nd Grade
2nd Grade Read-In
May 23, 2011
May 23, 2011
Hailey and Reggie reading together.
Aaron B. and Nicholas snuggle up with a good book.
Priya reads a favorite "Arthur" story.
The two Isaiah's read together.
Anna and Emma enjoy every moment of our read-in.
Mariana is relaxing in our reading chair.
Laura is happy to be reading.
Dajuan, Dakota, and Antonio are having a blast.
Historical Museum Tour
May 17, 2011
Going back in time to the old fashioned school house.
On the steps of the general store.
One of our tour guides, Mrs. Olson.
Anna and Mariana share a desk.
Who put my kids in jail?
Just hanging out in front of the general store.
The first Wal-mart.
Look at these cool kids outside the museum.
"I have to go to the bathroom," said Gabe.
Mrs. Olson showed him the outhouse.
Laura, Reggie, and Emma are happy to be in school.
Reader's Theater
On May 6th, the Senior Resources volunteers came to Hawthorne to perform a reader's theater. The name of the play was Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type. Each month, a group of talented seniors perform a play for us. They rewrite a popular children's book as a play. Here are a few pictures to capture the moment.
The animals demanded better treatment on the farm.
Farmer Brown was furious with their demands.
A typewriter? The kids were amazed at this antique.
At the end, each child was given a book. Thanks to Senior Resources of Freeborn County, Wal-Mart, and the Noon Kiwanis for donating the books.
United Way
On April 11th, a volunteer from the United Way came to our classroom to share this year's book titled Apples 1 2 3 written by William King (Owatonna) and illustrated by Rachael Ringham (Lake Mills). The united Way also donated a book to each child in our classroom. WOW . . . thanks a million!
United Way
On April 11th, a volunteer from the United Way came to our classroom to share this year's book titled Apples 1 2 3 written by William King (Owatonna) and illustrated by Rachael Ringham (Lake Mills). The united Way also donated a book to each child in our classroom. WOW . . . thanks a million!
The United Way volunteer gave each child a book.
This year's book is titled: Apples 1 2 3.
Aaron F. gets his free book.
Dakota is VERY happy to have a new book!