
Show fluency w/basic addition facts and related subtraction facts
Find 10/100 or 10/100 less than any given 3-digit numbers
Compare and order whole numbers up to 1,000
Read, write, and represent numbers up to 1,000
Interpret number sentences with unknowns represented by letters
Round numbers up/down to the nearest 10 and 100
Use + and - to get information from tables, graphs, and charts
Estimate sums and differences up to 100
Identify, create, describe, and solve problems with number patterns
Identify and name basic 2 and 3 dimensional shapes
Use place value to 1,000 (groups of hundreds, tens and ones)
Tell time to the 5 minute and distinguish between a.m. and p.m.
Find the value and determine combinations of coins

Read aloud with accuracy and fluency
Use phonics to read words
Fluently read 300 high frequency words
Select, read, and comprehend literature
Select, read, and comprehend informational text
Comprehend text presented orally
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate comprehension in literature
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate comprehension in informational text
Identify the main topic
Identify the main purpose
Describe the overal structure of a story
Demonstrate understanding of characters, setting, and plot

Writing and Speaking
Participate in and follow rules for conversation
Demonstrate standard mechanics in writing (capitalization, punctuation, spelling)
Write a narrative for an event
Revise and edit writing (with adult support)
Use technology to produce and publish writing (with adult support)
Participate in an individual or group research and writing report
Use different tools to locate research materials
Create an individual or group visual (with adult support)
Use complete sentences when speaking about the topic
Answer a question about the topic

Use process skills of scientific investigation
Use Observation
Measure and record data
Communicate results
Apply the process skills in the exploration of standards in history & nature of science, life science, physical science, earth and space science
Develop an understanding of how personal use of resources affects their environment

Develop interaction skills for effective citizenship in families, schools, community and nation
Build knowledge of geography through study of maps and globes
Explore concepts in United States history, economics and government

Make decisions relating to healthy living
Make decisions relating to emotional health and family life
Make decisions relating to safety and disease prevention

Use singing voice correctly
Read and perform quarter and eighth notes and rests on classroom instruments
Identify string and percussion instruments by sight and sound
Recognize high and low in music
Follow directions

Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness
Demonstrate responsible personal/social behavior in physical activity settings
Gallop, slide, hop, leap, and jump using a mature motor pattern
Show effort in all activities
Demonstrate appropriate listening behaviors
Throw a ball using an overhand technique, stepping with the opposite foot
Catch using properly positioned hands

Use word processing design for a basic product
Explore media concepts delivered by media specialists
Use electronic sources for specific topics
Participate in computer lab and classroom activities

Mix secondary colors from primary colors, describe and use the process
Demonstrate beginning skills in the painting process and brush care and usage

Show respect for people and property
Demonstrate responsibility
Exercise self control
Complete work with care and effort
Hand work in on time
Participate appropriately in groups
Follow directions